Apr 20 | 39 (Poem)

it was a far country at first

a far and lonely country


but oh so



windswept and wild

untamed but full


of peace


i stood in a deep valley

looked up at mountains that reached

to run their fingers through clouds

caress eagles

gather stars


silence was true here

a green silence full of a deep

vibration. my feet thrummed

with the heart of this land

this land lived

for the infinite


i knew

it could never be conquered

only loved

longed for

like an ocean

the bricks that catch the water

of a dawning life

the road home

the earth that embraces you

at your end


(and oh there was an end

to everything i had ever been

and everything i could have been

this Earth embraced my darkness

this Ocean drowned my griefs

this Sun burned away my sins

like morning fog)


then one night

i saw my sweet country

laid to waste


green earth i longed to walk split:

such a terrible abundance!

running red

with thirty-nine rivers


sky turned black

earth caught fire

horror, ashes


green silence

turned grey


i found twelve deer that walked this country

huddled and trembling

streaked crimson

from thirty-nine rivers

deep dry wells for eyes

thirty-nine tears


i will wait


this land is my heart

but that is not why i wait


i wait because at dawn

i heard the sweetest voices:


three larks

flawless harmony


thirty-nine rivers ruffled

with morning wind


and now, from each

thirty-nine shoots


of green



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