Jun 20 | CPE Journal #15: June 18th
Ultimately the article comparing the compassion and competence models came down in favour of the “differentiation model” and I must as well, because of this quote:
“In the differentiation model, spiritual care is about the curious paradox that by learning from the other, the other can know, and that by defining oneself, others can find themselves.”
This is AWESOME! My journey of reflection has been all about this. I was always afraid that it wasn’t enough to know myself and to learn, that I had to offer more. But how could I ever offer more than what I had: not only my story and my heart but God’s story and God’s heart, if I accept them: a heart full of fire.
And my sister Florence Welch sings, “Say my name, and every colour illuminates / We are shining, and we will never be afraid again.”
WOW – and when I first heard this, I thought it was singing in the words of my soul, but it could just as easily be the words of God! The “we” is the new together-self created in the refining fire of the cross and resurrection. By calling upon God, everything is made clear, and both human and divine are sanctified together in ecstatic and erotic Song-of-Songs union.