Oct 13 | Thanksgiving Quickie
I am terrible at motivation!
I realize I had told myself to write in this at least once a week, and have miserably failed, kind of. Sorry about that! This is a very quick update because before I got out to rehearsal tonight I have to make this!
I will also tell you that I got invited to post on a theology blog a friend is setting up! I’ll hook you up with deets later. I’m super excited about it!
Other than that I’ve been mostly okay. I’ve been trying to teach myself to ride a bike, which has been…quite an adventure. I’ve got an entry brewing about that that is longer than I have time to post now, so I’ll leave yall hanging. This week has been fun, though – I went to Young Frankenstein: The Musical with Mum on Friday and we laughed hard. I’ve spent much of the week sick, which isn’t as much fun. It’s slowly going away.
And now so am I, ’cause I gotta finish that dessert for tomorrow.
Happy Turkey Day!