Mar 05 | Lent 2014
Hi, friends! This year’s Lenten practice is as follows:
I am limiting Facebook time to the evenings (after sunset).
I will celebrate Morning Prayer and sometimes Compline from the BCP instead of the BAS.
I will write around 500 words a day in this Lenten journal, which is actually a sacrifice because my keyboard is really screwed up and I’ve been using the onscreen keyboard, which takes forever.
I may post poetry too. :)
Follow me on my Lenten journey and/or start your own with the Daily Office Challenge! Try opening your Lenten days with Morning Prayer and closing with Evening Prayer or joining me for Twitter Compline!
Here is a link to the BAS and the BCP if you need help getting started, and here is where you can find the daily lectionary readings.
A prayerful Lent to all of you.