Sep 15 | Retreat (Poem)
crack me open
blood flows green
like a butterfly’s
like a cactus
holding all the secret wet within
the sweat like sap
carves channels into weary flesh
salty falls burning off city fumes
and lights drowning
in jade depths unseen
skin cracked like bark, gleefully shed
skin purple with the weight of “good morning”
“i’d like tea”
“i have a meeting”
“that sounds frustrating”
popped like a bubble
floating over a lake
one soapy droplet tumbling through emerald air
glad to add itself
to a mass of nothing in particular
(only the source of life itself)
glad to lose itself
and return to a forgotten first
before silence was understood
as a deficit
before basking in being was understood
as burden
before “bigger is better”
when everything was new
and unclaimed
and enough