Dec 02 | Sancta Viscera Advent Devotional Music Project
In 2016 I decided to try a totally new form of devotionals for the season of Lent: recording an album. I did so with only the tools I had at hand: my house, my instruments, my voice, my USB microphone, and my laptop.
The result was the album The Path of Ashes, which you can listen to here.
I fell in love with the process, and decided to do the same thing for Advent of that year. By then my skills had developed (at least a little), and I produced a more polished piece called Wild Star, which you can listen to here.
I followed that project up with a second Lenten album in Lent of 2017, Pilgrim Song, which you can catch here. This time I did it with a digital drum kit, and became even more excited with the results.
I’m closing out the year with Sancta Viscera, and just released the first track today here.
I will continue to share the tracks with y’all as they come out, which they will twice a week. I invite you to make this a part of your Advent devotionals if you like. Follow along on this blog, through Twitter, or through my fan page on Facebook!
It is offered freely, to the glory of God and for the work of the church. Physical copies of the previous albums (and eventually this one) are offered by donation with 100% of proceeds going to the church where I am stationed. If you’d like a copy of any of the previous albums, please give me a shout!