Dec 17 | Advent Birth
I only have one more semester to go!
It’s nuts to think about. What’s left is barely a semester anyway. All I really have left are a couple of weekend courses and one course I’m auditing for fun. I can’t wait to be able to bring my knitting to class!
It feels like I’ve been in school forever, and yet I can’t possibly imagine what it would be like to be working in the field I’ve been working up toward. ACPO seems like a distant dream, and yet I know it’ll rush up on me before I know it. I could say “I hope to God I’ll be ready,” but I really don’t think you can talk about it in those terms. It happens, and then you pick up the pieces.
I’m so grateful for everyone’s prayers and the strength lent to me in these four years.
I think it’s no coincidence that some of the most important work of my life occurred in Advent. Last year Advent 1 was the first meeting of my discernment group. This year, just beforehand, I got the good news from the examining chaplains, and on Advent 1 I handed in my position paper. Something new is being born, and I hope to God I will have help in bringing it forth into the world.
“He will come like child, he will come.”