Mar 04 | Claim my Heart (Lenten Music Reflection #2)
To whom do we belong? Is it really only ourselves, or is there something else that has a claim on us, something that calls us to be more than our fear, more than our conviction that we are worthless, more than beaten down and “civil” and quiet and pliable and wanting to go along to get along? Is there something that calls out to us saying, “I want you. No, not perfect you. Not faithful you. Not convention-worshiping you. I want doubtful you. Imperfect you. Boundary-breaking you. Rule-questioning you. Querulous you. Depressed and lonely and broken you. Not to change you, or to refine you, or to mold you into what I would much prefer. Just to hold you, and tell you that you are as I made you, and I am well pleased.”