Apr 27 | Labyrinth

Tonight I had the great privilege of playing at the St. Paul’s Labyrinth. It’s a beautiful liminal space where people of all stripes show up to walk or just sit and listen.

I brought with me a couple of hymns (including a re-purposed praise song – I love making up different lyrics on the fly!), some of my own stuff, and a bunch of Florence and the Machine. I can’t help but wonder if she’s like U2 and putting secret theology in her songs. Here, judge for yourself. I played this, this, this, and this. I think any praise band could get away with singing those.

I’ve been thinking a lot about opals. I thought of how pretty they were at random yesterday, and then went on Etsy looking for opal jewelry. My Mum has an opal ring she’s promised I’ll inherit, but I didn’t feel like waiting for that! Besides, the big 3-0 is coming up next year, so I’ll have a suggestion for a certain someone, heh heh.

Anyway, I was drooling over all these opals, and was thinking about my favourite colour, which is basically mauve but with a bit of blue in it. I love it because it seems like a mystical colour to me, and I had heard before that colours like that are actually really hard for the human eye to focus on. Maybe that’s why it seems mystical to me. Opals kind of give me the same reaction – they’re mystical somehow. They seem ordinary until they hit the perfect light, and then they contain every colour.

I started thinking about how Christ is like an opal – within an ordinary human body was contained a gorgeous web of stars, and because of the Incarnation and the Resurrection, all people now contain these stars. We are all hallowed, and God is human-ed.

A poem might follow.

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