Dec 15 | Panagia Track #5: Beneath my ribs
Here’s Track 5 of Panagia, “Beneath my Ribs.”
There was a time where I felt constantly shadowed by death, not only in my exterior but my interior life. I wrestled a lot with sharing this song at all, but in the time of Advent, when we often mark the solstice with “Longest Night†and “Blue Christmas†services, and contemplate not only a joyful birth but the pain and horror that will end the amazing life which is coming into the world, it seemed appropriate. If this song speaks to you, know that you are not alone. I am joined here by my dear friend Thomas, who encouraged me to share it because of how it spoke to him. His support reminded me that lots of folks are too afraid to speak out about their pain, especially at this time of year, and how important it is to name our fears and our demons.