Jan 04 | Sabbath Time
Hi, friends!
You’ve probably noticed that there haven’t been any entries lately. As you might guess, I had a busy Christmas and New Year’s and so decided to take a little Sabbath time from writing on this blog. In the meantime, I’ve been writing and drawing for my webcomic series, which I don’t know that I’ve promoted much here. It’s set to start updating again next week after a long hiatus. You can find it here.
Since then I have asked myself some questions about the pieces I’ve been sharing, and which ones I’d like to continue.
I haven’t had a ton of engagement on the Resistance Lectionary posts, but they are awfully fun to write, and so I’ve decided that they will go on hiatus for a while. I am considering taking them up again in Lent. In the meantime, if you enjoyed them, I invite you to go back to July and read them all!
The “Letters from the Coast” series will continue very shortly. I aim to post again next week but it might be the following week.
Something new that I do think I’d like to try is something I’m calling “God in Hollywood,” although I’m open to a better title (“Holywood”? “Faith in Film”? “Minister at the Movies”?). I’ve been fascinated by religious themes in Hollywood for ages and did do some film studies, screenwriting, and filmmaking courses in my undergrad. I thought it could be fun to post regular film reviews from both a storytelling and a (progressive) religious standpoint.
Is that something you’d be interested in?
Too bad, I’m probably going to do it anyway. ;)
Stay tuned!