Sep 27 | Thoughts on the Presidential Debate
Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions that follow are entirely my own, and not an official position of any particular institution.
In July, the Pew Research Forum conducted a study which showed 78% of white evangelicals planned to vote for Trump.
I really believe that these people are hurting their church.
Hillary Clinton, whatever you think of her, is a lifelong devoted Methodist. She has been involved in the United Methodist Church her whole life, and many of her social policies as First Lady were directed toward “the least of these”: children, teens aging out of foster care, people with disabilities, the poor, and battered women. She has also been subject to the kind of intense scrutiny and scorn that is shocking to some while totally expected by most women in positions of power, and has borne it with great poise and dignity, as befits a truly exemplary Christian.
(And need I remind you that she also did this while her husband was going through charges of infidelity on the public stage?)
Her faith is steady and reserved, in line with what Jesus talks about in Matthew, Chapter 6. She doesn’t talk about it much publicly. I believe this is not a sign of cowardice, but respect for others of different creeds. But an oft-repeated maxim of hers is, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can,” which is a quote attributed to John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism.
In the meantime, she is standing up against a Cheeto-faced cocktail sausage-fingered hobgoblin who has no sense of mercy, no sense of humility, and openly states that he doesn’t see any need to ask for forgiveness from God. He is narcissistic, violent, foul-mouthed, greedy, licentious, and idolatrous. He should be everything you despise, and yet you celebrate him – and not only that, but some of you write shriekingly terrified articles about Obama or Clinton being the anti-Christ.
If anyone living today could ever actually claim that label, I swear it would be Donald Trump.
One bad mood as president and he would destroy the world.
I can’t fathom how you could claim that you are the only ones who actually give any reverence and glory to Jesus, but spit on everything he stood for by supporting this dangerous clown.
I can’t fathom how you could claim the right to call the world to repentance, but put your support and your money and your future vote behind this absolute disaster of a candidate.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
I pray that you will come into true repentance, and back a candidate who actually has a track record in living her faith.