Sep 30 | Why I Wear the Crucifix
This piece was originally posted as a thread on Twitter, September 28th 2017.
Interesting thought process today on the bus. I was in collar and a dude asked me what I thought Jesus would think about crucifixes.
I asked him what he meant and he said, “Do you think he would approve of people wearing them?”
He sort of laughed in this incredibly condescending way, and said, “I’m pretty sure I know.” O RLY PLZ SHARE.
“He would think they were evil and [people] who wore them were evil.” Essentially because they glorify a sick act of violence.
Before you ask, yes of course he was white. What else would he be?
And me being me, obviously I didn’t think of a response until after he’d already exited the bus, besides, “There’s empty ones, you know.”
It was only later that I thought to say (to myself, lol) that when you have a religious relationship with Jesus, he’s not just some dude.
Yes, he was an innocent victim of violence, but he was more than that. For me, he was God made flesh. And what does a crucifix proclaim?
For me, it is not about my personal sins, or at least it’s not solely about that. It’s not even just about “the sin of the world.”
For me, the crucifix is a reminder that Jesus, God made flesh, was executed by the state.
Executed for undermining its authority. Executed for daring to place God and God’s laws above their gods and laws. Silenced for the truth.
This is a powerful message to me. It says, “Don’t put your trust in human power structures above your trust in God.”
Of course I know that for some it symbolizes colonialism and oppression. And I think that fact is an outrage. We got it so wrong.