Jun 29 | CPE Journal #17: June 25th

We did a workshop on self-care for our class time today and were given the following tools for a healthy spirituality:

Soul Works: These are spiritual practices for development and sanctuary in your inner life.

Soul Relationships: These are people who accompany us safely on our journey. John O’Donohue, drawing on Celtic roots, referred to these people as anam ̣̣cÌ£ara, ‘soul friends.’

Soul Communities: These are places where we feel at home. They may be churches, but they may also be other kinds of communities that give us life.

Soul Food: I think personally that this includes all of the above and transcends them as well. What feeds your soul?

We also did our peer evaluations last week. Apparently you can learn to be “unabashedly authentic” from me. I also have “a listening heart and vulnerability.” Heartened by this feedback, I started reading a book called The Gift of Being Yourself, and I think I might have to buy it. I appreciate how much the writer tries to explain the importance of the work on the self as part of the Christian life and how it is tied to knowing God.


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