Jun 06 | CPE Journal #8: June 5th

Today as I sat down after coming off the unit, I let the energy of my encounters roll off of me, through my feet, and into the ground like I do with Healing Touch. As I did so, I felt something in my body shift. Energy spread across my shoulders and throughout my core. I felt like God was present, near me and inside me. The Spirit passed through me. It was so strong. Probably sounds ridiculous to write here, but it’s what I felt.

Later, I finished reading the article on hope one of my classmates had sent to use last week. It was a chapter from a book that teaches caregivers of all types how to be “hope providers.” It was a really great article (I’ll post a summary of the chapter later), and it made me think about how beautifully people are made. The article had a couple of sections on how trust and emotional health is built in early infancy and childhood. From the moment we are born we are hardwired to need love from each other. To me it does not seem like a simple biologically explainable thing. It’s not that we grow up without these things and are merely socially hampered. Many of the babies who do not receive it simply die. We need each other, not merely as food-gatherers, milk producers, and mobile survival kits for each other. We are specifically created to need each other – not just as speechless physical presences but loving, engaged, focused, smiling hope providers. I’ve had two patients tell me how important smiles are from their caregivers.



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