Dec 01 | Panagia Track #1: Violet Blue

Some of my long-term followers may know that for the last three years I have made a devotional practice of recording songs and releasing them week by week in the seasons of Advent and Lent.

This year’s Advent offering is called “Panagia,” which means “All Holy,” an Eastern Orthodox title of the Virgin Mary.

The first track just dropped today! It’s called “Violet Blue.” This was written in the middle of summer, but on a cool night with many layered clouds. It struck me then and strikes me still that every human culture has a wintertime ritual, and it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. All of these rituals tend to focus on the endurance of light and the coming of spring, but also a more general tendency to tell stories – perhaps merely a natural result of being in close quarters with one another for an extended period of time, but by its very nature bonding us, weaving us closer together. Winter might be a difficult time for many folks, but I will always love her for holding us within her womb until the light returns, and helping us to remember our roots.

I’ll be posting the rest of the album here regularly. :) Enjoy!

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